bassguitar - backing vocal
since 2024 on bass
since 2023 in team
guitar - backing vocal
since 2016
Ex bands: Sinetrium
lead vocal - guitar - samples - author
since 2015
Ex bands: Return to Innocence
since 2025
Ex-bands: Welicoruss
The following texts and images are about to show our journey since the very beginning of the band. It has been a great adventure and experience for all of us. We want to thank everybody for making all the stuff happen, to all fans supporting us on our journey and having a joy from our music together!
The "history" is written chronologicaly from the presence to the past. (it will take a while to complete, but we will try to finish it soon)


This year was one of the most active, busy and demanding. We have traveled many countries, spent countless hours in car, but experienced some very nice shows an festivals across Europe. We have played in Finland, Estonia and Latvia for the first time, meet a lot of great people and bands.
The most significant moment was our 3rd album "In the Shadow of the Sun" release on 1st March 2024, under Smile Music Records (Spark).
We also underwent a linup change in April - we parted our ways with bassguitarist Marek Hubocky and drumer Filip Wintr in a friendly way. Both guys spent couple of years in Innersphere and were fine bandmates, friends. But the life goes on, the priorities change and this decision was the best for all of us. We introduced Jaroslav Kouřim on bass (J.K. was already a part of our team for last two years) and Zdeněk "Doctorr" Ševčík on drums. (you may know Doctorr from Symbtomy or Praselizer, his other bands).
Winter - we continued our tour with Welicoruss in CZ/SK.
March - we were on a minitour with As the Sun Falls in Finland, adding shows in Latvia and Estonia
Spring - we continued our tour with Welicoruss with few shows with special guest Hypnos
Festival highlights were surely Czech Death Fest, Metal im Woid, Hellhammer festival (both in Regensburg and in Šumperk), Metal Hody, Rockokfest Landshut, Frontline Fest in Brno and Burn fest in Slovakia
Fall - playing shows in DE/AT/BE/NL/HU/SK/CZ, unfortunately also having 3 shows cancelled because of our co-touring band split-up. The end of the year is marked with 3 special events - a show in Jeseník (after this years floods), traditional home concert in Pilsen and also Evil Death Fest with our friends Hypnos in Uherské Hradiště, where they will record their live concert.
Beer - we also had a chance to have own beer for the very fisrt time - a cold IPA "In the Shadow of the Sun" by Tamtam brewing co.. This one was perfect, but unfortunately it was sold out very fast. But don't worry, we are working on something new together.
We want to thank for help at few shows to Ilya Tabachnik (drums) and Filip Rabenseifner (guitar)
2023 was the first kind of normal year after the covid period. Touring for the whole year with our friends Welicoruss for the most part of concerts, few with Hypnos and Maahes. We visited many places for the first time and it was a great adventure with alot of fun. During this year, our last album "In the Shadow of the Sun" had been mastered and we were searching for a label and finishing the visual part of it too. In the Autumn 2023 we have signed under label Smile Music Records / Spark Rock Magazine, based in Prague and prepared the release of the album for early 2024.
We surely can highlight our minitour with Maahes in Germany, which happened in May. It was great, having our friend Jiri Platzer as photographer, having fun with guys and meeting all the great people on the way. There were a few unbelievable stories which we could tell from the road, but thats more for a talk with a pint of beer. Also playing at regular Brutal Assault festival was one of peaks of that season. We recorded our videoclip "The Trident is Burning" during the live set there - made by Frodys Audiovisual arts...
Playing in Belgium, Netherlands and Switzerland for the first time and we were sure, we need to make it back again. (which happened and will happen in the upcoming years)
We want to thank for help on bass to Jan Patera from Panychida during few shows.
Also there began cooperation with Coffee audio and equiped whole band with great cabinets for guitars and bass - Caffee Lattee vertical for guitars and Jinjerbass on bassguitar. We can surely recommend.




To be continued soon...
Finaly, covid was on decline and there was possible to tour a bit under some restrictions. We began the tour with Welicoruss which continued for almost two more years. Our playlist was dedicated to the album "Omfalos" which was released in 2021 and the concert activity was scarce in the two previous years.
We are really happy that we got so many opportunities to play at some pretty festivals and shows like
Vienna Metal Meeting, Basinfirefest, Mammut festival, Metal Kingdom, Thorshammer, In Aeternum, Herbsturm... It were really nice gigs to play and we meet alot of wonderful people on the way.
This was the first year when we had to invite guests to our band because of sore back of our former bassguitarist Marek Hubocký. We want to thank to Jan Patera (Panychida) and Jan Koli Kolář (Arzzen) for backing us.
In September of 2022 we recorded album "In the Shadow of the Sun" at The Barn studio, which was then mastered till ca February 2023.
2021 - the year, when 2nd full length album "OMFALOS" came out. Also the 2nd year of covid pandemic and a year when our label director and friend Juraj "Popol" Haríň passed away. The album came out in February, we managed at least to do some internet promotion until concerts were possible again... When the bad news arrived - the message about our friend and music partner, who passed away, was crushing. Juraj will always be remembered.
The first show played was Czech Death Fest, the first live performance almost after a year and half. The feeling cannot be described. We felt alive again. Then more shows were played, surely can highlight Josefstadt (by Brutal Assault), Siekiera Festival, Metal Madness, Rotten fest...
In the Autumn, we went or a common minitour with Six Degrees of Separation to promote Omfalos album. It all went well until some restriction came back again. It was really weird period, but at least, we could play some way.
During this year, a work for the 3rd album began - the first 6 songs were written.
This year supposed to be the one with most concerts since the establishing of band. In cooperation with Purnama, we have planned a tour over multiple European countries, counting cca 40 shows + some festivals. It all went well until covid striked in March and all plans were dumped. At least few shows were postponed or booked for another years to come... But most of it, a year of work and preparations, was scratched.
Also we solved personal issues within the band - we had to part ways with the former drummer Tomáš "Lebi" Lebenhart. There was no option to continue further together for multiple reasons, the priorities changed and also the band had to develop. We are glad, we are friends and in touch till this day and we thank Lebi for beeing part of IS in the past... Filip Wintr, a young, talented drummer came into Innersphere only 10 days before recording album "Omfalos" in May 2020. We haven't seen such drill and hard work before that. And you know what? He totally nailed it. So that was the lineup change. It was fast enough to not paralyse us and also Filip brought a new energy and also musical variety into Innersphere.
2020 was a hard time for everyone. Many changes, uncertainty, fear... When everything you know changes, nobody knows for how long. It doesn't matter how much you want or try, we all were stuck in a place not knowing what will come...
"I felt paralysed when it all began. I also as a booker for us was really hit, all work was suddenly gone, nobody was safe, we didnt know if we will not lose jobs, if we will play again. It was a disaster... The second hit came in October when my sister passed away. I was not able to write music, to do anything at all. 2020 will be remembered, but not in the good way... I am thankfull for everybody who supported us." Míra Litomerický
since 2025
Ex-bands: Welicoruss